Thursday 16 July 2015

Brigadeiro and Lemon Cream in a cup - Eat with me!

Hello everyone!
If you follow my Instagram, you know I recently made some delicious desserts. I said I might share the recipes, so here they are!

Brigadeiro is a Brazilian recipe that is really popular in Portugal too. I remember being a kid and always having this sweet in every birthday party. Even now, I absolutely love it. Normally, brigadeiro is really thick and consistent, in a ball shape, but what I made comes with a little twist: you eat it from a cup! On to the recipe!

  • 1 can of sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 tablespoon of butter
  • 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder
  • 3 tablespoons of non fat natural yoghurt

Gently mix all the ingredients in a saucepan and stir in a low heat for about five minutes. Let it boil and lower the heat. Stir for about 5-8 minutes so it doesn't form lumps. When you see it doesn't stick to the bottom of  the pan, turn off the heat. It must have a creamy appearance, not a thick one, because when it cools down, it will be more consistent. Pour it into tiny cups or jars like I did and if you want, you can add some sprinklers.

I don't think lemon cream has a "background" like brigadeiro has, at least I never heard of it. My sister's boyfriend doesn't fancy chocolate that much, so I searched for a recipe that I knew he would like, and this was the winner! I changed a little bit, but nothing important.

  • 1 tablespoon of butter
  • Juice from three lemons
  • 3 tablespoons of non fat natural yoghurt

Mix the condensed milk with the lemon juice and let it "react" for an hour, the lemon acidity will leave the cream consistent. Afterwards, mix the yoghurt and put it the fridge for another hour. Then, serve in the tiny cups or jars and add some sprinklers!

Note 1: I put both of the sweets in the fridge. You don't have to, but I believe it tastes better when it's a bit cold.

Note 2: If you like the combination of chocolate and lemon, you can add both to the same cup/jar. It tastes amazing!

I hope you have a lovely day! ♥

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